Big gay men

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My first urologist, a young man in his 30s, wanted to rush me into surgery and 'cure' my low-risk prostate cancer. I can vouch for that as a straight man with low-risk prostate cancer who has seen several urologists over the past decade. The research shows many urologists do not want to discuss sexuality with straight or gay patients. It was so heteronormative that anyone who is not heterosexual or a jock may feel alienated.' In the waiting room, the television is on a sports or conservative channel, the magazines are about sports, the men waiting are all silent. Rosser continued: 'So, we heard participants in our study say their first visit to the urology clinic felt like stepping into a men's locker room.

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Rosser said talking to patients may not be most urologists' strong suit: 'A field that is so dominated by men will do some things that may be off-putting to sexual minorities.' The American Urological Association recently reported that for the first time just over 10% of urologists are women.

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